Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I invited all of you to take this crazy publishing journey with me and I can't imagine being on this wild and wacky ride without you. Thank you for standing by me! Your encouragement, humor and support has meant more than words can convey.

There have been weeks when I questioned if this loop of proofing would ever end. If the goal to publish would ever be met. Well, it did and it will be. There were weeks of slogging back and forth to the store because of an ailing computer that's now been replaced. There were missed deadlines for a number of legitimate reasons (all of them good) but the best excuse was the birth of a beautiful baby boy (to our designer and his wife). Noah decided to be born 3 months early. Of course, medical complications ensued and put the book's publication date behind by months (a chance indie authors take when relying on the talents of independent contractors). However, those who have worked with me in the past know that as far as priorities go, it's always family first. Everything else will fall into place.

There were weeks spent in classes trying to grasp the concept of social media and hours of conversation with author friends about marketing ideas. It took time to design a web site and begin a blog. There were conferences, events, and Author Review book signings and besides all that, there were administrative and financial obligations to fulfill if we wanted to be taken seriously and that we do.

I've had a chance to view the book on a Kindle, I-Pad and I-Phone. I love the printed word and the feel of a book in my hands but this new technology? All I can say is, WOW what a concept!

So, here we are . . . standing on the edge of the publishing diving board with toes curled and heart racing, scared to look to see if there's water in the pool before jumping in but smart enough to know that not looking would hurt . . . a lot! I can guarantee that when I press the PUBLISH button on Amazon, BEGOTTEN With Love will be at the very bottom of the list with thousands of titles above it. The only way things will change is if you help me spread the word. Visit the BEGOTTEN With Love Fan Page to find out how.

We are counting down to the eBook's debut next week but . . .

I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER to start the celebration. Even though it's not launch day, there's no reason why it can't be . . . giddy time!  YIPEE!  YAHOO!  HOOORAY!  Okay . . . Alright . . . Breathing deep . . . Better now . . . I'm soooooo dizzy! 

It's been a long time coming and now that it's almost here I can say, it's been so worth the wait.

A special thank you to A&A Printing for selecting BEGOTTEN With Love to be the Spotlight of the Month highlight on your website. It's truly an honor. Your timing could not have been more perfect.
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Jo Ann V. Glim is a 40 year veteran of  freelance writing and author of Begotten With Love. To learn more:
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1 comment:

  1. Congrats Jo Ann your baby is born!!! Happy for you! I'll put it on my reading list :)


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