Saturday, February 21, 2015


Have you reached a point where you can no longer see the top of your desk? Are you missing deadlines?  Misplacing important papers? These five time management tips may help quell that breath-squeezing nemesis of procrastination that holds us back from being productive.

The excuse "I don't have time . . ." is a lie! Time management studies have proven we waste 45 minutes a day looking for documents, papers, phone numbers, or eMails because we don't take the time to organize and file. HABIT ONE: Start filing papers scattered around the office each day. 

As an indie author, I understand how difficult it is to prioritize but putting out fires is not a management plan. Make yourself sit down once a week and plan out a day-by-day activity sheet. What's the top priority for the week?  HABIT TWO: Productivity thrives when projects are outlined and timelines are set. It forces us into accountability.

HABIT THREE: Clean up eMail, phone, and business card contact lists. Categorize your contacts: Fans, press, publishers, etc. Two great reasons to do this: 1) gets rid of erroneous addresses and names of unknown origin and 2) allows you to release important information in the most expedient format.

HABIT FOUR: Choose two or three social media venues to get your message out. It may take a while to find which ones work best for you. Set a timer, if need be, to limit on-line use. I try to limit myself to half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. I also give myself half an hour to just chat with friends but that's on my time; not when I'm working.

HABIT FIVE: Take time to organize the websites you want to visit someday. Whether you do it on the computer or in a 3-ring binder, tab it for quick and easy access.

Here's wishing you more time to write and much success.

"Begotten With Love" news update:  It's now possible to access our website with most mobile phones. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

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