Best selling author James Patterson sums it up when he tells writers . . . 'just write.' I have gladly joined the chorus
Let the Story Flow!
Published, unpublished or newbie, what difference does it make if we (as aspiring novelists) spend months working on an outline, developing characters with charms and flaws and/or scouting for locations, if the story isn't fully told? The difference is . . . your skills as a writer are on display. Your commitment to professionalism is tucked on every page. Even journalists who fly by the tips of their ink-stained fingers create a beginning, middle and end to the copy they write.
One of my first editors (RIP, Jerry) when I worked at the Bahamas News Bureau in Chicago would tell the staff, "Editing is not sleuthing for misspelled words or correcting grammar. That should come as second nature."
Which brings me to this point: of the two editing styles, which format do we use, Associated Press or Chicago? Most of us were schooled using one form while our aspirations depend on the other. Knowing which style you need upfront can save hours of edit time. For example, one style uses two spaces between sentences, the other only one. If you're editing a 65,000 word manuscript with the wrong editing style (or no style at all), you're in for one looooooong edit session.
Google offers a number of resources from which to find the answers to your editing dilemma. As the adage goes, the longest distance between two points is the short cut. So, take time to edit, rewrite, ponder and edit, again. The ones who persevere are the ones with a better chance to enter the one percent club of published authors. DON'T GIVE UP! I wish you much success on your writing journey.
October is Family History Month. What do you know about your heritage? Your family's journey to America? Their trials and triumphs? Leave your family the best gift of all . . . knowledge.
To learn more about award-winning author, Jo Ann V. Glim:
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