Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I LOVE all the new technology and I hate it! I can't wait for the next generation of gadgets to come on the market so I can learn something new. But then I realize . . . I'm still learning how to use last year's latest and greatest. It's all so confusing! That dreaded learning curve! The curve that more resembles a straight line. The shadow that follows me every where I go. None of us would be complete without it. It's just some days, I wish it didn't stretch to the horizon.

But then I realize how much I really do know. How much technology has become second nature and improved the quality of the work I've produced and the enthusiasm that waned begins to return.

So, here I sit at 4:30 in the morning . . . awakened by genius (more like stumbling about from sleep deprivation) hoping this series of prompts will work and you'll be able to see the latest video.

As I test the image, all that appears is a field of blue where there should be an image of a rose. I hope it works . . . this time. If not, I know it's up and running on, you can see it on, it's even on YouTube and Facebook (if you're a fan of "Begotten With Love") and I realize publishing this project in 4 out of 5 avenues is p-r-e-t-t-y good but we'll give it one more try on this post. Ta-dah!

I would love the insight of others who have been in this type of situation. Where have you turned for help?

DON'T FORGET to enter the Goodreads Giveaway (ends this Friday) for a chance to win one of three autographed copies of "Begotten With Love." GOOD LUCK!

Jo Ann V. Glim is a seasoned veteran of freelance writing and author of the book "Begotten With Love." For more info visit:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014 is a READER'S DREAM WEBSITE


Time to reclaim our lives; Enjoy a quiet morning . . .

Goodreads is an excellent site for both readers and writers. If you are not a member and you love to read, I would highly recommend signing up. This free site (with several million members) offers all the scoops on books and authors. Rate and review your favorite reads; peruse the newest books in your favorite genres in the comfort of your home; and meet new friends who share your interests in books.

If you're a writer, there are many programs established for writers (by writers) to help us advance and refine our works. Networking is key when we devote ourselves to such a solitary career as writing. Even though we spend a lot of time with characters running through our heads, we need to remember that they do not count as friends or staff! We still need to mingle with the real thing!

One of the opportunities Goodreads offers from authors to readers are giveaways of their latest work. Often times, the winners the of books will leave a rating/review for the author but it is not an obligation. Beginning Wednesday, August 20th (at midnight) through Friday, August 29th (at midnight) you'll have a chance to enter a giveaway for a chance to win one of three autographed copies of "Begotten With Love: Every Family Has Its Story."

I hope you and your friends will take a minute to enter


Jo Ann V. Glim is a seasoned veteran of freelance writing and author of the book "Begotten With Love." To learn more:

FOLLOW/Like: on Facebook or

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Very seldom do I mention the twelve years after my retirement that I spent with parents and loved ones who have lost a beloved child.  Why? I don't know. It was a poignant and healing time, one that I cherish to this day. Maybe that's why. It was sacred.

I'm not a counselor, credentialed or otherwise nor would I profess to be. I'm a grandmother who was devastated by the death of her born-still granddaughter. All I know is that through this overwhelming grief, somehow . . . someway, I wanted to offer a place where families could go to sense a presence of peace, a place to leave their shattered dreams, a place to begin to heal. By the grace of God and with the help of 57 volunteers, donations from numerous companies, and the cooperation from all walks of faith, the vision grew and became reality. The mantle has been taken up by others across our nation and the idea continues to grow as my involvement fades to the background and life marches on, as it should.

The reason I mention this at all is because like you, the Robin Williams suicide touched my heart. Most of us will never understand the demons he wrestled nor the pain his family endures now.

When death involves a child, there is no way to adequately answer the question, why? It doesn't matter to the parent the age of their child. Their child is still their child. Sometimes, the kindest response to this type of grief is our presence. Words are not necessary beyond, I'm sorry  or I don't know what to say. Sharing a precious memory or remembering the child by name may bring (even years later) a shower of tears. These tears are not from their grief but the joy of knowing you remembered. You see, what parents who have lost a child  fear most is that their beloved child will be forgotten. Worse, yet, their memory erased.

Death is unexpected, even when a person is terminal. But when death comes to a child or by our own hand, those closest cannot help but say, "I should have seen it coming!"

I cannot begin to process the intense pain and depths of darkness felt by a person living with depression and contemplating suicide. All I can say is don't do it. It's not a solution. There is help. If you and/or your family are living in this kind of turmoil, please reach out . . .  hang on, don't give up. Never, ever give up on life.
1 (800) 273-TALK (8255)

Jo Ann V. Glim is a seasoned veteran of freelance writing and author of the book "Begotten With Love." To learn more:

FOLLOW/Like: on Facebook or

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Okay . . . I am wearing out the delete key on my laptop. I want so much to say something witty or clever or even intelligent and at the moment, besides swinging from that ugly, blubbery face women make when they cry from emotional overload (that makes our eyes puffy for 2 days if we don't keep it in check) and laughing hysterically from pure happiness, I cannot squeak out or write a simple sentence to explain to you (or my husband) what just happened. All I can manage to do is point at the message on the computer screen and in your case leave a picture.

To sum it up, "Begotten With Love" is a finalist in the Florida Writer's Association Royal Palm Literary Award competition. I could not be more thrilled! Hopefully, I'll be more composed by October 25th when the winners are announced at the conference banquet in Orlando, Florida.

I'll share plenty of pictures. I hope you'll come along for the ride and feel free to bring your friends.

Jo Ann V. Glim is a seasoned veteran of freelance writing and author of the Book "Begotten With Love." To learn more:

FOLLOW/Like: on Facebook or