Saturday, February 21, 2015


Have you reached a point where you can no longer see the top of your desk? Are you missing deadlines?  Misplacing important papers? These five time management tips may help quell that breath-squeezing nemesis of procrastination that holds us back from being productive.

The excuse "I don't have time . . ." is a lie! Time management studies have proven we waste 45 minutes a day looking for documents, papers, phone numbers, or eMails because we don't take the time to organize and file. HABIT ONE: Start filing papers scattered around the office each day. 

As an indie author, I understand how difficult it is to prioritize but putting out fires is not a management plan. Make yourself sit down once a week and plan out a day-by-day activity sheet. What's the top priority for the week?  HABIT TWO: Productivity thrives when projects are outlined and timelines are set. It forces us into accountability.

HABIT THREE: Clean up eMail, phone, and business card contact lists. Categorize your contacts: Fans, press, publishers, etc. Two great reasons to do this: 1) gets rid of erroneous addresses and names of unknown origin and 2) allows you to release important information in the most expedient format.

HABIT FOUR: Choose two or three social media venues to get your message out. It may take a while to find which ones work best for you. Set a timer, if need be, to limit on-line use. I try to limit myself to half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. I also give myself half an hour to just chat with friends but that's on my time; not when I'm working.

HABIT FIVE: Take time to organize the websites you want to visit someday. Whether you do it on the computer or in a 3-ring binder, tab it for quick and easy access.

Here's wishing you more time to write and much success.

"Begotten With Love" news update:  It's now possible to access our website with most mobile phones. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

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Monday, February 16, 2015


My fingers delicately thumbed through the browning pages of the aged book, a prized gift from a new friend. I didn't know what I was looking for. I was browsing, hoping to immerse myself into the lifestyle of  the south from the 1860s to the early 1900s.

Reading the Honorable Daniel Pratt: A Biography, Eulogies on His Life and Character by M. S. Tarrant (1904) offered information I would have otherwise never found. Pratt was an amazing man, truly a visionary. Beloved by the community, honored for his philanthropic work, admired for his ingenuity, he used his wealth and prestige to better the lives of his employees. Still, after all these years, he's a model of the American dream and the positive influence of capitalism.

This 6" x 9" treasure gave me a glimpse into living conditions, education, and employment opportunities, so, that when I traveled to Prattville, Alabama a few months later, and my host took me on a tour of the town, I could visualize the buildings even though some were now torn down, or abandoned. Two of my greatest moments were: one) walking up a set of stairs that my great, great grandfather climbed every day when he worked at the Pratt Gin Manufactory and two) touring his home which just happened to be for sale when I was visiting.

No matter what your story or genre, consider researching conditions to add to the overall ambiance of the location. Things, such as: weather patterns, building materials, road conditions, housing, jobs, local slang, town celebrities, to name a few.

Remember, you may be fully dressed in just a shirt and slacks or a little black dress but it's the jewelry that adds the sparkle. It's the same thing with writing. Don't forget to add the sparkle.

Enjoy the hunt. I wish you much success.

FIRST PLACE - Biography - Published

"Begotten With Love" news update:  It's now possible to access our website with most mobile phones. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

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Friday, February 13, 2015


Happy Valentine's Day!

I think Thomas Merton said it best (and unfortunately I'm going to paraphrase) when he said, "If you love someone and still want to change them, then you are wanting to love a reflection of yourself and not love the other person for who they actually are."

I wish you true love and all the joys that come with that. If you write about love, I hope it's in its purest form and shines brightly on the strength and commitment two people share. And if you need inspiration or clarification as to what true love is, look into the eyes of a baby and be renewed.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


A few years ago, a favorite aunt of mine passed away. She was close to a hundred years old, so, needless to say, she had lived a long life. Even though I miss her dearly, I have the pleasure of cherishing the memories of times we'd spent together. She wasn't rich by any stretch of the imagination. So, needless to say, I was beyond surprised when I received a packet from her attorney telling me their office found an unclaimed amount of money with me named as beneficiary. Now, before you think we are buying and selling islands in the Pacific, let me say that we received enough to have a nice dinner in her honor and then it was back to reality.

This experience led me to wonder . . . how many people know there are government offices in each state for unclaimed property? You may have a claim that is rightfully yours for the asking (with proper identification and forms) whether you earned it yourself or are an heir apparent.

Here are some examples taken from real life experiences:
A new bride and her husband took out a life insurance policy when their first child was born. Sixty years passed and the policy had been forgotten. Grandma and grandpa died and the family knew nothing of their inheritance until someone checked the unclaimed property web site in the state where grandma lived as a young bride.

We are a mobile society. Careers and jobs change. We move, divorce, remarry. Buy and sell property. There may be financial residue from a number of sources we never considered.

In a letter I received from Jeff Atwater, State of Florida Chief Financial Officer, unclaimed property includes lost or abandoned funds, such as: inactive bank accounts, securities, forgotten insurance refunds and uncashed payroll or utility deposit checks. You may be a beneficiary!

Here's wishing you a successful treasure hunt.
FIRST PLACE - Biography - Published

Jo Ann V. Glim is a seasoned veteran of freelance writing
and author of the award winning book, "Begotten With Love."  

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