Monday, October 20, 2014



You've planned for this day . . . waited for this day; a day when you can pitch your book to a New York agent and/or a California producer. You've got ten minutes. TEN MINUTES! Are you truly prepared?

The questions you need answered depend on where you are in your writing journey. Are you pitching an idea? Is your manuscript complete? Is the book published? Do you have a marketing plan? Do you know who your audience is? This is not the time to shuffle your feet . . . know who you are! Know what you need. Know how to research to optimize your ten minutes.

You've spent a lot of time preparing your packet: synopsis, bio, platform, press release, etc., but what do you know about the person you're about to meet? I'm talking about getting to know the person, not just their client list. A little research will provide a wealth of information and help to make the most of their time and yours.
  • )     VISIT THEIR WEB SITE - If their penchant is sci-fi and yours 1890 cookbooks, keep looking for a better connection. This should be a positive experience for both of you. 
  • )     CHECK WHAT THEY POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA - Do you have other interests in common? Mutual acquaintences?
  • )     READ THEIR BLOG - This may help you gain insight as to what they expect from the people they counsel. It may help you prepare a packet of information for them in the format they want and need. You may also find some of the questions you'd planned on asking are answered in their blog posts. What a plus to raise your level of questioning a notch. Let them know that what they wrote was a help.
  • )     STUDY INTERVIEWS AND ARTICLES FROM OTHER SOURCES - This is a fly on the wall moment. You may find connections you never knew you had. Maybe attended the same school? Lived in a neighboring town. Have a passion for yoga. Your potential mentor may have also shared pet peeves with the interviewer. What a plus to know not to chew gum or wear the color purple.
  • )     THE BIG TEN MOMENT - Have your packet prepared to offer (at the end of your meeting). In your mind, have the list of questions you'd like answered (in order of importance). No more than five -- but only present three. Begin with a smile and a sentence that begins something like this . . . "Say, I read in your blog that you . . ." And end with, "Me, too!" Isn't it nice to connect as kindred spirits and let the conversation flow from there?
Enjoy this experience and best wishes for a positive outcome!

Jo Ann V. Glim is a seasoned veteran of freelance writing and author of the book "Begotten With Love."  

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