Monday, October 13, 2014


Whether you're a seasoned pro or newbie when it comes to attending conferences, there's an element of excitement and trepidation. Surroundings are unfamiliar and living out of a suitcase is not easy but the prospect of meeting new people and learning new techniques or just plain brain storming is a heady elixir.

Eric Sheridan Wyatt host of the podcast "More Stories" offers sound advice in the nearly thirty minute show, Conquering the Conference with Confidence. If you'd like to listen to the program, click the link above and under "search" type in episode 6.

Listening to this episode made me evaluate the importance of planning ahead . . . especially for a writers conference. How often do you have an opportunity to meet people who can help you promote your career? The podcast covers the conference itself but I'd like to add 5 points for preparation before you leave home:

#5 - Prepare your elevator speech. If you're new to pitching your idea or manuscript or book, consider how you would describe your story in 15 seconds. Give those listening some meat, give them some flavor, and leave them hungry for more. If you've used your spiel for a while, tape record it, practice it in front of a mirror and make sure it doesn't sound tired and trite. Enthusiasm begins with the storyteller.

#4 - If you've not already printed business cards, this is the time to do it. Make sure it has all your contact information including your social media and web site addresses. Choose fonts that are easy to read and don't place information too close to the bottom edge. People who use a Rolodex will lose part of your information when they file it away.

#3 - If you'll be displaying your book, ask if a skirt will accompany the table. Bring your own, just in case. Ask how many other writers will be sharing the same table. Space is limited so make your presentation count. Prepare a table top poster to attract readers to take a closer look. Think through what else will make your book "Pop." Do you have a marketing budget? Consider giveaways for those stopping to visit you. Sales begin with merchandising.

#2 - Consciously think about what you're going to wear. You want to be comfortable. You want to be warm (bring a sweater or jacket). You want to look professional. If you plan to dress in costume, make sure it represents your story. This is your chance to shine.

#1 - As Eric says in his podcast, plan ahead. Choose two courses of action for the breakout sessions. Leave plenty of time to network. Enjoy the meals and entertainment. I would add to it: Take a minute before going to bed to review what you did during the day and organize for the following day. Also, take plenty of pictures. Be sure to document who is in them. If they are new friends, be sure to get the proper spelling of their names. I always consider it a nice thank you when someone sends a picture through facebook and mentions where we were and what we were doing.

Speaking of doing . . . I'll be at the Florida Writers Association Conference in Orlando October 23rd to the 26th at the Lake Mary Marriott. I have a book signing on Saturday, October 25th at 10:30am (Table 2). You still have time to sign up and attend! I hope to see you there.

Jo Ann V. Glim is a seasoned veteran of freelance writing and author of the book "Begotten With Love."  

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